Travel Fever Tours is now truly a family affair
We have always run Travel Fever Tours as a family operation since Cicely founded the company in 2010 and asked Bob to help out. And now two more family members are joining in.
Last October, Bob’s brother Don joined us on our walk on the Spanish Camino, driving a van, helping Betsy Bates on the trail, organizing our picnic lunches and helping in every way he could imagine. He’s a very helpful guy. This coming fall, you’ll see him again on the Camino with us and also hiking with our group in Austria.
And this spring, our daughter Maddy officially joined the team by helping us scout out a future trip to walk the Portuguese Camino. She is also redesigning the Travel Fever Tours website and assisting in the development of other future tours. She will also join us on the Camino in October. Maddy has traveled extensively in Europe, living in Switzerland and the Netherlands. She’s also worked in Thailand and Laos in Southeast Asia, but now lives in Denver, CO.
Posing with sculptures must run in the family!
Don Lawson
Maddy Lawson